Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Make Something 365

I recently bought NOAH SCALIN's book 365 A DAILY CREATIVITY JOURNAL. I have decided to follow the prompts in this book and create a piece of art everyday. Using art, I will try to document life lessons (in the form of words/pictures) that I've learned in my almost 26 years---lessons learned the hard way, lessons others taught me, and lessons I would like to share with my future children one day. I will try to post a photo or documentation of each piece I create everyday (I am not perfect though)! So, please forgive me if I miss a will be there eventually...all 365. Note: I have only JUST begun this project as of May 8, 2011 (My Dad's birthday). If you have any ideas or tips on this project, please let me know! Thanks!

This is Noah Scalin's book if you'd like to check it out---I highly recommend it! (see top photo)

YOUR NAME: Jenny Hays


PROJECT NAME & URL: “Through My Eyes”


This project is to document life lessons I’ve learned (the hard way, through others, and ones I’d like to share with my future children one day) as a person with Asperger’s Syndrome.

The ANSWERS to the following questions

  1. Why did you decide to do this project?

I decided to do this project as I believe that my life is an important journey that I should document! Isn’t everybody’s? However, as a person with Asperger’s Syndrome, my take on things can be a lot different from the perspectives of others...but they are what they are and by doing this project, perhaps I will open doors for others who are on the Autism Spectrum as well...I may not communicate like everyone else, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to say...I have PLENTY to say, but the best way for me to say it is through my art (something I’ve enjoyed doing all my life). Through photographs and art, I am able to communicate more than even some people without AS.

  1. How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life?

I am only four days into this project, and am having some difficulty keeping up, but it is amazing how much less anxiety I feel, especially while doing the art. I hope that it will let my family and others see my life and the lessons I’ve learned through the eyes of someone with Asperger’s eyes...and perhaps even change preconceived notions about people on the Autism Spectrum.